You are currently browsing the Videotorium site of the organization Governmental Information-Technology Development Agency. The content of the search results and listing pages of the site (Main page, Categories, Channels, Live events) are limited to this organization. In case you wish to browse the whole archive of Videotorium, please, navigate back to the main Videotorium site.

Physical sciences

DGYS - Álhírgyár

5 months ago - 6:08

DGYS - Testképzavar

5 months ago - 5:10

DGYS - Zaklatás

5 months ago - 6:02

DGYS - Likefüggők

5 months ago - 6:24

Nyílt Tudományos Fórum 8

János Mohácsi
András Holl
Dr. Gareth O'Neill
6 months ago - 1:21:38

Nyílt tudományos Fórum 7.

János Mohácsi
Miklós Györffi
Tamás Biró
Andrea Balla
Ákos Lencsés
Panna Petra Perényi
Gyöngyi Karácsony
András Holl
Bence Kun
1 year ago - 2:06:29